Thursday, December 10, 2009

SBS 2008 - Multiple Email Domains with Send As

Here are the steps I took to get this working with Windows SBS 2008.

To setup SBS for multiple domains go here:

1. Add the group using the SBS Group wizard (be thought full with this name as it will be used as the email name when the email is sent)

2. Open the Exchange Console from the start menu

3. Click Recipient Configuration and double click to edit your newly created group.
4. Click Email addresses and add the email address for the new domain. Remove the check mark for automatically update policy. And click "Set as Reply"

5. You need to now grant "send-as" rights to the end user(s). Right click the "exchange management shell" from the start menu and select runas administrator.

6. run the following command with your sepecific options:

Add-ADPermission "YourGroupHere" -User "EndUserHere" -ExtendedRights send-as
That was it!

Now - be sure your secondary domain is setup and working before attempting these steps.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tech Support Jobs / Contracts and Projects

If you are looking to freelance or do contract Desktop / Server Tech Support work; here are some sites that might interest you: (Start a business and work from home!)

Pay per assignment:

Create your Own Remote Support Tool: (pchelpware) (list yourself!)

Desktop support Jobs can be hard to find these day, so why create your own!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Windows unable to Map Drives using Domain Group Policy

I recently came across this issue while setting up a Windows SBS 2008 Server domain. I have a mix of Windows XP and Vista workstations that connect to the domain for email and files services.

After setting up a GPO to map shares on the server, I got varied results. After relocating the GPO to a higher level container, I consistently got one drive to map, but not the others. After trying different GPO settings, I had no luck until I checked the event viewer and found the bellow error:

Group Policy object did not apply because it failed with error code '0x800704c3 Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again.'

During the migration from my Linux server to the SBS, I had created Drive mappings with the GPO to map to the linux server. After moving all the data, I changed the GPO dive mappings, however I noticed after saving the settings that the password field still had an entry. All attempts to remove failed. So the solution was to remove the drive mapping and add it.